Monday, October 27, 2008

Transformed in his Image

Jesus we invite you into our lives to work in the deep places of our being. We pray that you would mold us into your image.

Read Acts 4:1-22.
Transformation can be a word that is used but not actually defined. How do we see God changing lives in this passage? Who is affected? On what levels?

Unschooled ordinary men can change the world. But only when they have first been changed by God. We see in these men that Jesus has left his finger print on them and the priests know it. They see Jesus in these men. The miracles he performed now they are performing too. They don’t question the legitimacy of the miracle- they know it is exceedingly great. They are only interested in containing this out pouring of God’s spirit. Literally their question is how do we keep this from spreading to the rest of the people.

If God is a God of transformation that changes you and those around you, what does it look like to see this happen in your life? Ask God to show you someone today that he is working in. Ask him how you can be a part of seeing transformation happen in their life.

For the Blog:
Write about how you have seen God transform who you are. What is different about you because of him?

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