Thursday, October 9, 2008

Intimacy with God

It is not time or opportunity that is to determine intimacy;-- it is disposition alone. Seven years would be insufficient to make some people acquainted with each other, and seven days are more than enough for others.
Jane Austen

Take some time to reflect on where you feel like God hasn’t provided for you in the way you had hoped. Read 1 Kings 19:1-18

Elijah runs away. He wants to die. He is tired of fighting and he sees no hope in the fight. Everyone has abandoned God. Elijah is afraid God has abandoned him, too. And yet we see God consistently provide for him in the passage. Go back and look at the passage again. How does God provide for Elijah?

Verses 9b-10 and 13b-14 show the same scenario happening. They begin with God asking, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” and Elijah responds the same way both times. What is Elijah asking for from God? What are the responses God gives? How does God meet Elijah where he is at?

Take some time and reflect on how God has been providing for you in the past year. What has he done? How has he given you good things and brought meaningful relationships in your life? How has he found a way to speak to you?

God please meet me where I am at as specifically as you met Elijah. Show me how to find you in the midst of chaos. And please reveal yourself as a miraculous provider who I can trust with the greatest needs in my life.

What is an area you are waiting to see God’s provision in? Take some time to talk to God about it and wait for his response.

For the blog:
Share a testimony of a time you have seen God respond to a great need in your life.

1 comment:

RCF said...
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